2 September 2009

Whales for thought

So Summer is here... we'll it's here if you are in the Big Apple. Perhaps back home in Oz it's a little cold. This is just a quick first blog, I want to tell everyone who doesn't know about the company IndiePix--they should do. They have some amazing new releases this month, my favorite of which is called 'A Life Among Whales.' Following the life's work of Dr Roger Payne as he delves into the inhuman treatment of Whales. It's a heart breaking look at humanities need for excess and lack of respect for the World we live in. If you feel passionately about this issue, you should also check out 'The Cove' released last month, and get onboard with IFAW's 'Tails for Whales' campaign, I really feel that together we can make a difference. Next month IndiePix is releasing the documentary 'Lolita: Slave to Entertainment' which is a tragic look at wildlife in captivity, definitely worth checking out! Stay tuned for more details. 


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